Special Gluten Free Tummy Friends

tummy friends jpeg gf.jpgA little while back there was a message on the Coeliac Message Board from someone who wanted to meet other children with Coeliac Disease.  Her daughter wanted to meet other children who also had a "special tummy" and I thought now here's someone who really understands how children think. Today Ruthie met Ffion her "special tummy" friend and they got on like two gluten free biscuits in a cellophane pack.  We also met Ffion's brothers, Rhys and the very gorgeous baby Euan.  The kids got on with being kids, and us adults talked about the trials and tribulations of living with a food related condition.   Ffion brought some home made chocolate truffle cookies (recipe from The Gluten Free Cookbook for Kids) which were fantastic by the way and I think there is the makings of a great little gluten free baker here. If you want to be "special tummy" friends, drop us a line.  Tell us your story......we'd love to hear from you.

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Pig in the Kitchen's picture
Pig in the Kitchen wrote 13 years 37 weeks ago

What a cool idea to get them

What a cool idea to get them to meet up! Glad they got on well...

Wanted to say thank-you for leaving a comment on my blog. Without wishing to sound like a sychophant, I was very honoured indeed! The Little Red Barn Baking book was one of the inspirations for the way I write my blog; I LOVE your book! I bought a copy for my mother-in-law and every time we visit she wheels out an enormous Shrimpy's Chocolate Cake. Perfect. When I ordered her copy from Waterstones, the guy on the phone said, 'Oh, I love that book, what's your favourite recipe?' and we had a little chat about the greatness of Adriana!

So, just wanted to share that with you...have a happy Monday ;-)

Pig x

oh god, now I have to do the maths question in order to get this posted...4+14?? *pig stares blankly at the screen*

adriana's picture
adriana wrote 13 years 37 weeks ago

Little Red Barn Baking Book

Hi Pig,

I can assure you the admiration is mutual!  I am so touched to hear about your fondness for The Little Red Barn Baking Book.  I came across your website awhile back and was so impressed with it.  When you left that first comment a few days ago, I was so excited I told Ruthie all about it.  She's been asking about you every day since, "have you had any more comments from that pig in the kitchen?"  Imagine her excitement today as I read out your comment.  She totally understands that we have one vital ingredient (gluten) which must be eradicated from all food in the world, whilst you have four(?).  Wow, you are a genius!  Hats off.  Sorry about the maths.....Keep on writing and let me know how the book deal is going.  It's tough out there, but you've got a great voice and a fantastic sense of humour, so it's only a matter of time before you get snapped up. 

All the best, Adriana